In Love with Lifestyle

Imagine you arrive to the local pumpkin patch in the late afternoon. You ride around the parking lot for longer than you wished looking for a parking space. You pile your kids out and they rush to get to the pumpkin patch. Your heart begins to panic, because your son raced so far ahead you can't see him through the crowds of people. You yell after him to stop and finally he does and returns to your side. You hold on to your daughter's hand tight as she wobbles across the gravel driveway; it is her first time to a pumpkin patch. You give her hand a little squeeze and soak in the moment. You finally make your way over to the ticket counter. The line is at least 15 minutes long, but you've been talking this adventure up all week to your kids, so there is no backing out now. You stand in line and wait as patiently as humanly possible, because lets face it, standing in line with an 18 month old and a three year old just isn't that fun. Finally it is your turn. You pay for your ticket, then head to the pumpkin patch. Kids are running all over the place and the little girl to your right is in a full blown tantrum. You and your children walk down the first row of pumpkins and start inspecting. You remember you want to take a photo so you let go of your daughter's hand and take out your cell phone. She immediately takes off down the row of pumpkins and is looking at them with such wonderment. You look down at your phone to swipe to the camera and when you look up you see she has fallen to her knees and is now covered in dirt. You see your son a few rows ahead trying to pick up a large pumpkin. You rush over to pick up your daughter, dust her off, then head to your son, camera phone in hand. You try to snap a few photos but he is just too excited and won't look at the camera. You start to call to him to look, but he just moves on to the next row of pumpkins. You chase after him, begging for just that one photo. He finally stops just long enough to flash you a forced smile then begs you to put down the phone to help him pick the perfect pumpkin for carving! You daughter starts to whine because she wants to be put down. You put her down and immediately wish you had gotten photo of the two of them. So you take out your camera phone again and start trying to get them both in frame at the same time.......
this story could go on, but I will save you some time..... because you get it - you've been there a thousand times. You take your children on these amazing super mom adventures and it never fails you end up more frustrated than you thought, you didn't get a good photo, and you certainly didn't enjoy the moment because you were too busy looking at the back of your phone to see if you got a good photo or not.
This fall, I am offering Pumpkin Picking Lifestyle Sessions at a PRIVATE pumpkin patch. I have worked closely with a farmer just 20 minutes outside the Wilmington, NC area to secure weekday time slots during golden hour at their pumpkin patch. It will just be your family! A PRIVATE PUMPKIN PICKING SESSION. How cool is that!? Plenty of time to make memories and enjoy the start of fall time together. You can take your time to find the perfect pumpkin, play on their playground, and while we are there we will set out a cute blanket to get a few more family photos as you sip on some cider and enjoy the fresh air. Book the 6 PM timeslot and we will end the day watching the sunset over the fields.

Photo above was commissioned by South Brunswick Magazine for their 2017 fall edition. (Link to article coming soon!)
Lifestyle sessions are the perfect way to capture the everyday life and they allow you to be in the real memories! Let me worry about getting the moment, while you get to BE in the moment alongside your family. Interested in a lifestyle session that is not picking pumpkins? Just ask and we can certainly talk about the details and designs a custom session just for you and your family. Beach? Christmas tree decorating in your home? Playing at the park? The possibilities are endless! Be in the everyday memories with your children and not stuck behind the camera!